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Tenant Protection and Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance

Oregon Law Center will host a free Spanish language training on tenants’ rights after the legislative session (covering the CDC moratorium, SB 278 and SB 282) for Spanish-speaking service providers and advocates. July 20th, 2-3:30. Spanish language announcement and registration link below. All materials and presentation will be presented in Spanish.

Other materials, including the OLC explainer in both Spanish and English and the recording of the English language version of this training, are available here: https://oregonlawhelp.org/classroom/sb-282-information-links-and-presentations?lang=EN.

Starting in July, tenants must pay rent each month or face eviction for non-payment, if you are worried you cannot pay your rent, apply for assistance now. Eviction protections are not automatic! To get this protection, you must: (1) apply for rental assistance, (2) if you get a nonpayment termination notice, give your landlord proof of your application. This will stop eviction for 60 days to allow time for your application to be processed.

You can apply for any rental assistance program and one program that is available statewide is the Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program (OERAP). This program can help low-income households with their past due rent, utilities, and up to three months of forward rent for qualified renters who have experienced financial hardship due to the coronavirus pandemic and are at risk of homelessness. This program will help prevent evictions and help families maintain housing stability. You can find more information at www.oregonrentalassistance.org such as the program qualifications, a tenant checklist, a step-by-step video of how to submit your documents through the online portal, and more information. If you know of individuals and families struggling with rent, please make them aware of this program.

If tenants are seeking information, legal advice, please refer them to the Oregon Law Center at (541) 485-1017 and/or the Oregon State Bar. Here is a link to OERAP Safety Harbor graphics that includes social media shareable and printable information.

 For additional tenant protection information, there is information at these links below:


En Español

There is a Spanish language training on tenants’ rights for Spanish-speaking service providers and advocates on July 20th from 2 – 3:30 pm. Regístrese con anticipación para este seminario web: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_buYeLzCDR96o_tHiMglsKg

La moratoria de desalojo de Oregón terminó el 30 de junio, pero ayuda para el alquiler está disponible y la Legislatura y el CDC han aprobado nuevas protecciones para ayudar a los inquilinos durante este tiempo de crisis.  Las presentaciones de los representantes del Centro de Leyes de Oregón y de los Servicios Comunitarios y de Vivienda de Oregón ayudarán a responder a la pregunta de qué pueden hacer los inquilinos si tienen dificultades para pagar el alquiler en julio. El seminario web cubrirá el período de gracia y otras protecciones bajo el proyecto de ley 282 y el nuevo "puerto seguro" de 60 días bajo el proyecto de ley 278 para los inquilinos que han solicitado asistencia para el alquiler. El seminario web también tocará brevemente acerca de las protecciones bajo la Moratoria federal de CDC recientemente extendida. Esta presentación está dirigida a las agencias y organizaciones comunitarias que sirven a los inquilinos.

Regístrese con anticipación para este seminario web:


Después de registrarse, recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación con información sobre la participación en el seminario web.